Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wasp vs. Spider

Yesterday I was on the back deck when I noticed a wasp flying around. He landed on a spider web, and I became intrigued. Can a wasp get stuck on a spider web?? It was a Wild Kingdom moment in the making, and I was watching it live. Entranced.

Without losing any time, a spider appeared from some remote quadrant of the web, and giddyup, he was excited. He was smaller than the wasp but came bounding across the web. Dinner bells were ringing in his little webby world, and as he broke into a virtual gallup, I think I heard him yelling, "yeeeehaaaaaa!" Holy crap, I can't believe I'm watching this little spider take down a wasp. This should be good.

A moment later, the spider got close to his presumed next meal and -- fffft ffffft -- the wasp released his best ninja moves on the little arachnid! It happened so fast I'm not even sure exactly what transpired, but that wasp flew off with the spider! I don't think the spider knew what hit him. Ambushed in his own trap.

What? Wasps eat spiders?? This minute of my life has been full of surprises.

I don't have much affinity for spiders or wasps, so I'm not sure who I was rooting for. But I do have to wonder about the fairness of bringing ninja skills into a cowboy world.

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