Saturday, November 23, 2013


I talked on the phone with my mom last night. She said she had a story to tell me, and proceeded to explain that she still has my dad's cell phone. She disconnected it from their cellular plan sometime after he passed away the beginning of 2012, but she keeps it plugged in and charged, because it would still work for calling 911. So, she keeps it as an emergency backup, since she lives alone in a rural area. (Riveting, I thought. Go on.)

This past week, she was at home going about her day when she heard a weird sound she didn't recognize. She was puzzled, and followed the noise until tracking it down at its source, my dad's phone. It was a reminder he had set to go off every year, prompting him to call me for my birthday on Nov. 18. Mom said she didn't hear it last year, so she must not have been home when it went off. This year she heard it. And wanted me to know.

Even though time heals the heart, loss still has its sharp reminders.

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