Monday, January 26, 2015

Laughter is an instant vacation. -Milton Berle

I was on a city bus today and overheard a conversation between two apparent drifters who hadn't seen each other in a while. They were all, "Hey!" to each other, and then Guy One said he's staying at the shelter now.
Guy Two: Oh, is that right? So, how's life going for you?
Guy One: Well. Not so good.
Guy Two: I guess that was a stupid question.

And then they both laughed.

I love shared laughs, even under sad circumstances.

Or, especially under sad circumstances.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Word hoarding

It turns out I'm a hoarder of journals, and now blogs. I collect my own thoughts and words. There, that sounds better. 

I've always loved journals. I currently keep journals for myself, for both of the kids, and a travel journal. I have inactive past journals focused on what books I was reading, what prayers I was saying, dreams, health, wish lists, free writing, random scribbles, whatever. And then there's the blog you're reading now... and the past vacation blogs... and the phone app for daily gratitude lists. Oh, the lists. I keep lists of what bands I've seen, what bands I still need to see, my favorite books/movies/concerts, places I still need to visit. There's also the list of things I've misplaced, so I don't forget to keep looking for them. With that, I've probably shared enough.

SO. I just started a new blog, and I'd love to have readers! I'm calling it On My List - Des Moines. I'm just planning to write about things I enjoy doing in Des Moines, and the restaurants, pubs, places and events I'm finally checking off my list. (Again with the lists. Have mercy.) I decided to try Tumblr for this new blog. I haven't yet figured out how one "subscribes" to it, but I started pages on Facebook and Twitter that will show updates. Follow along if you like!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Harmonize this.

Here's the thing about saying your goals out loud, as I did in the early hours of Jan 1. (See post here.) Sometimes the universe takes you to task.

I started my harmonious year by putting on sneakers and heading to our brand-new downtown YMCA with the family to play racquetball. 10am on New Years Day and we were starting it off right! Getting it done! Yeeehaaa!

About 15 minutes into a match with Nate, I was startled by a hot rip on the bottom of my foot. Torn plantar fascia. I knew immediately. I've worked through some plantar fasciitis over the past few years, nothing that couldn't be overcome with some stretching and occasional rest, but I knew I had just stepped it up a notch. There's no walking when this ligament is torn. It's not a big deal, and the body is fully capable of doing the miraculous work of healing the tear on its own. But it needs full rest to do so.

And so now I find myself in a boot and crutches. No weight on this foot. Because it needs time to do its thing.

So, I have my first challenge in living harmoniously. I'm super frustrated because I was ready to join some classes at the Y and start finding my rhythm there. Guess what. That's not the prescription for this month. Instead, it looks like I'll have time for more writing, reading, thinking, praying, meditating... and maybe making some progress on the graduation blanket I started knitting for Trevor more than a year ago.

January isn't shaping up to be what I hoped, but I'm going with it and it's okay. Of all the months this could happen, January might be the best. Farmers market, outdoor concerts and festivals are all on winter hiatus. Our bikes are hoisted up on the garage ceiling. It's okay.

AND, I should be healed up and back to normal still with some winter left, so I can wear my OTHER new boot, which is far cuter. (I thought it was the most expensive pair of boots I ever bought, until my visit to the urgent-care clinic, where I got just ONE boot for TWICE the cost.) Serenity now.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Manifesto '15. A River Runs Through It.

I'm super looking forward to 2015. I have a few goals/resolutions, some related to the ole' writing hobby and to a possible business venture. These are specific and measurable, as all good goals should be. But the real excitement is saved for my Big Goal, which is neither specific nor measurable. It's more of an "umbrella" thing:

To live more harmoniously.

Side note: I recently took one of those online quizzes that supposedly told what my real birth name should have been. I got "River." So, yeah.

What do I mean by "living harmoniously"? I mean finding a natural cadence, living organically -- not forcing things, but allowing everything to unfold as it's supposed to, in its own time and manner.

Consuming less, wasting little.

Pausing. Breathing. Listening.

Paying attention to where my food comes from. Not mindlessly accepting the artificial and processed. Eating real food.

Valuing health -- my own health, my family's health, my community's health.

Walking places. Riding my bike. (April might be a better month to start that one. Back to the "in-its-own-time" thing.)

Supporting local stores, businesses, events, artists.

Connecting in relationships.

Living with my eyes open -- observing, reflecting, bringing wonder into my days. I'm hoping this can be an antidote to the jadedness and cynicism that I fall into so easily.

Earnestly seeking answers to some of my plaguing spiritual questions. 
This whole thing invites charges of hypocrisy along the way. I'll have to give myself an ounce of grace on that, because perfectionism just brings stress. Which is not harmonious either. 

Idealistic? Absolutely. 
Attainable? Never.
Worth attempting? 
I think so.