Friday, May 29, 2015

Can memory foam fill an empty room?

It's been one year since Trevor graduated from high school, and I'm shocked at how quickly he's "flown the coop." He hardly comes home from college -- and yes, I know this is a good thing. In his break between the end of semester and his summer camp job, he scheduled a 10-day trekking trip in Peru. Cool. This is a good thing too.

He told me a couple days ago that he probably won't come home from camp each Saturday night like he did last summer. "But, you have to wash your clothes sometime," I objected. But apparently they also have laundry facilities in Boone, Iowa. Or maybe the clothes won't get washed. Worse things could happen.

In August, he's planning to head back to college right after his camp job ends, because of a fall internship and campus job that could use him back a little earlier. This is... you know, good and all. 


But today, I went to the Mattress Firm and bought him a new bed. For his room here. Because I want to make sure he has a more comfortable bed to sleep on when he's home. I did this against Dennis's skepticism, who was like, "But he's hardly here." 

I know.

I don't care. I'm buying him a more comfortable bed. Maybe it's a desperation purchase. And it'll be delivered in two days, so there ya go. So if you want to stay over, I'll have a new bed for you. It'll likely be available.